Spring 2022
Archival home page for QuERY 2022 (formerly Quantum Science and Technology Workshop) at Bellaire High School.
Past session topics and schedule
Date | Speaker | Talk title | Core concepts |
2/16/22 | Eliza Cornell (Harvard) | Optomechanical cooling: putting the quantum in quantum mechanics | Quantization, wave-particle duality |
2/23/22 | Hana Warner (Harvard) | Quantum logic gates and transduction | superposition, qubits |
3/2/22 | CJ Xin (Harvard) | Quantum entanglement and the question of local reality | entanglement, Bell tests |
3/9/22 | Ethan Lake (MIT) | Doing physics with computers (classical and quantum) | strengths and limits of classical simulation |
3/16/22 | Ognjen Markovic (Harvard) | From fridge magnets to modern quantum experiments | spin, quantum simulation |
3/23/22 | Hari Padmanabhan, Elise Koskelo (Harvard) | Exploring quantum matter | spin, materials science |
3/30/22 | Madison Sutula, Emma Batson (MIT) | Measurement and characterization | lab instrumentation |
4/6/22 | Hengyun Zhou (Harvard) | Quantum sensing with spins in diamond | quantum sensing |
4/13/22 | Michael Haas (Harvard), Zeyang Li (MIT) | LIGO: uncovering cosmic physics with quantum systems | Qubits and quantum logic |
4/20/22 | - | Project week | Project idea formulation |
4/27/22 | Jimmy Newland (BHS) | Project week | Creating a research poster |
5/4/22 | - | Project week | - |
5/11/22 | - | Project week | - |
5/18/22 | - | Poster session | - |
Student Projects
Group 1
- Team name: Quantum Technicians
- Poster: Microfabrication - Moore’s law, optical lithography, and the fundamentals of quantum mechanics
Group 2
- Team name: Big Red
- Poster: Procedurally generating music using superposition
Group 3
- Team name: New kids on the Bloch
- Poster: Analyzing qubits on the Bloch sphere
Group 4
- Team name: The Ising on the cake
- Poster: A numerical investigation of the Ising model
Group 5
- Team name: The spinsters
- Poster: Exploration of squeezed spin states in Python
Group 6
- Team name: The Heisenburgers
- Poster: Quantum innovations promise better, brighter optoelectronics
Group 7
- Team name: CAR
- Poster: Optomechanical crystals
Bellaire Teaching Support
- Jimmy Newland
- Reena Chopra
- Gary Johnson